Master Classes

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TECHSPO At Sea 2017 program includes two Master Classes at different times allowing attendees to attend them both. Master Classes are 2 hours duration with Networking time before and after and are only available to conference attendees.

Master Classes provide the practices, applications, and hands-on exposure you need to become (and remain!) a top performer in your field. Whether you are a consultant, site designer, website owner, or in-house technology professional, this is an opportunity to experience firsthand the latest developments in digital marketing. Regardless of your experience level, you will leave these intensive master classes with skills to improve your online business results.

Stay Tuned! The Master Classes for TECHSPO At Sea 2017 has not been announced. Take a look below at the master classes at TECHSPO events already in 2015!

#1 Digital Technology Master Class

Master Class Facilitator: Steve Robinson, Advisory Board Member, Institute of IBusiness

Cracking the ROI Nut: Use Iterative Technology Practices to Keep the Graph Moving up and to the Right. There is a lot of buzz in the digital technology community around proving our existence to stakeholders and demonstrating a positive return on investment for the costs of digital marketing. The glut of tools on the market to handle measurement coupled with massive investments in social media, sometimes with little to show for it, leaves leaders at many organizations asking questions. They want their agencies and teams to connect the dots connect between their investments (paid, earned and owned) and the bottom line of the business. Steve will demonstrate, through industry best practices, client case studies, and third-party data, how marketers can take what they are doing right now and apply a set of simple rules to not only demonstrate return on investment, but also create a system that is self-optimizing toward better and better returns.

#2 Inbound Technology Master Class

Master Class Facilitator: Luke Summerfield, Partner Services, Program Manager, HubSpot

Looking to implement a successful Inbound Technology program to drive leads and grow your business? Join us in this Inbound Technology strategy master class as we will be creating the critical pieces for developing a rock solid Inbound Technology strategy. In this two hour intensive boot camp, you will be:

  • Structuring your time and focus around Inbound
  • Setting Goals for your program
  • Developing detailed buyer personas
  • Inbound Technology strategy (including inbound campaigns, blogging, social, email, etc.)
  • Creating a Q3 & Q4 Roadmap

You’ll finish the master class with a playbook and process that you can use over and over again in future Inbound Technology efforts.

#3 Content Technology Master Class

Master Class Facilitator: Mark Schaefer, Executive Director, Schaefer Technology Solutions

In this fast-paced, inspiring, and entertaining master class, Mark Schaefer takes you through the fundamentals of creating a technology presence on the foundations of great content. This acclaimed author and consultant will cover:

  • The five foundational strategies of social media marketing
  • The importance of “rich” content that powers a technology strategy
  • Tips and tricks to improve your content technology while saving time and money
  • Creating unstoppable content that creates business benefits
  • How to ignite content
Every participant will walk away with a deeper understanding of the true mechanics of social media technology and dozens of ideas to put into action today.