Apple Has 800 Engineers Working on iPhone Camera Alone

December 28, 2015
Aaron Polmeer

By Amar Shekhar

iPhone camera

Short Bytes: According to a recent report, iPhone is working on a new camera which provides employment to around 800 people which includes engineers and specialists. Looks like Apple loves flaunting its products and pushes boundaries to achieve targets.

A roadside signboard reading shot on iPhone 6 reminds me of the toil that Apple has put behind to build up the one of the most awaited camera. This guess over iPhone’s camera is jostling looking at the fact that if a company like Apple can invest millions in advertising then it must have invested a good amount of time and labour in camera as well.

Recently, we shared a 60 Minutes segment on Apple that detailed some inside stories of Apple. According to this report, 800 Apple employees are working solely and dedicatedly just over iPhone’s camera. This comprises of not only engineers but also other specialists in their fields – guess what they might be! The team is currently being led by the Graham Townsend.

Through iPhone’s camera testing lab, Graham Townsend also demonstrated the camera performance under various circumstances and Apple simulates those conditions.

These test conditions include sunset to dim lit indoors. There are over 200 separate individual parts in an iPhone’s camera. And looking at the sheer number of people working towards just a camera and money spent over advertisement of iPhone camera, it can be said that Apple loves flaunting out things which is one of it’s kind in it own.

In the same interview, Tim Cooks also outlined the qualities that Apple expects in a future Apple employee along with some tips to get a job at Apple.

Do you love Apple products and its camera technology? Add your views in the comments below.

Also read: Here’s how to turn your iPhone into a 20-megapixel super camera

The post Apple Has 800 Engineers Working on iPhone Camera Alone appeared first on fossBytes.


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